We Were Made for Times Like This

These may be uncharted waters, but I am confident our company will emerge from this global crisis stronger than ever before. 

That’s because we were born out of the worst recession since the Great Depression, and our clients not only survived, they thrived

Over the past 13 years we’ve produced tens of millions of real, quantifiable leads that have helped our clients sell millions of cars. It’s one of the main reasons we’ve managed to grow by 200-300% a year since our founding. So while others are closing their doors, laying off staff and suffering from insolvency, we welcome the challenge. And, as always, we will accomplish the objective.

In fact, we’re already doing that. When one of our client’s competitors began pulling back their digital spend, Harrison’s digital media team made strategic ad copy and bid adjustments, including adding those shortsighted competitors’ names & geographic locations to our clients’ strategy. It paid off immensely and immediately. Daily leads for our client nearly tripled and the cost per lead was cut in half! On top of that, this was all done without changing our client’s overall budget; Harrison’s team simply reallocated funds.

It’s not just our experience, however, that will guide us. Our resolve is just as important. Our birth by fire 13 years ago has shaped our core values, and it’s during times like these that they shine the brightest. I charge each and every one of you to reread those core values. They absolutely exemplify the power and strength of our organization.

In these uncommon times, businesses will need to rely on proven leaders more than ever. And no one is better positioned than DOM360 to creatively guide dealerships with expertise, ease and grace. 


May these core values serve as a guide when it must be decided what to do next, may you always accomplish the mission, get the result and creatively solve the business problem, may you always be the best version of yourself. Above all else, may you put God, your Family and your Clients first — in that order.

Good luck, and be ruthless and relentless with the competition.


I will not stop or give up. I understand the objective and press forward no matter what. I welcome adversity, laugh at it and then proceed to smash the objective.


I am selflessly dedicated to the success of both my clients and teammates alike. I have the courage to risk failing. I am a champion — always loyal and accountable.

Creative Innovation

I think – I explore – I create.


I practice, drill, rehearse…then I rest and repeat.


I stay true to my word, doing the right thing when no one is looking. I am open, honest, ethical and fair.


I stand for real relationships and make sure every interaction I create is meaningful.

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