Custom Creative: Get Your Messaging Right

With Heath Charnovic
Creative Director, DOM360

In a world where it seems like everywhere we look we are being flooded with advertisements, commercials and logos, it can be easy to get lost in the blur. How do you stand out to your potential consumer? How do you reach people when all they want to do is press the “skip ad” button as quickly as they can? The answer can be complicated and very simple at the same time.

The simple answer: messaging. Having the right message for the right audience at the right time is more important than ever. The world with cookie-cutter commercials on broadcast television is long gone. Your message has to stand out and capture attention quickly. Whether it’s with humor, making people think or just just being off the wall, you need to make an impression.

So what’s the hard part? Execution. Finding that right message that speaks to your customers. And if you do it creatively and quickly, you will get them to pause. Instead of hitting that “skip ad” button, they will stop and watch. Why would they want to watch your commercial? Maybe because you entertained them. Maybe because you educated them. Either way, your ad caught their eye and probably caused them to remember it.

That brings us back to custom creative. It is impossible to achieve effective messaging and execution with the same old stuff. You need to bring it! Be bold. Show what is unique about your business. And if you think you don’t have something unique, then present what you do have in a unique way. Big ‘O’ Dodge came to DOM360 wanting just that, custom creative to brand their dealership. They were tired and not seeing results with the typical yell-and-sell type of car dealership ad we all know. We looked at their brand and what was unique about them. Fast forward five years and it’s been a fun, wild ride of creativity. There has been lots of humor, seasonal-relevant themes that relate to their demographic and also a 150-pound bull mastiff named Gunner. You can check out some of their great commercials we have had the pleasure of producing here in our portfolio and on Big O’s Youtube channel. The results have spoken for themselves with record sales and goals met throughout our partnerships.

If you are struggling with your creative or have more questions or just have no idea where to start, DOM360 and our creative team are here to help you reach your goals and find your voice.

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