Toyota of Fort Worth
10 different models + 1 conquest eBlast campaign = 75 vehicles sold.
The Challenge
With an incredible offer on the table — 1.9% APR for 48 months on ten new 2022 Toyota models — Toyota of Fort Worth needed to spread the word, and fast. New 2022 models had to be sold to make room for incoming 2023s, and our client also wanted to push service and finance pre-approval. Organizing several messages wasn’t a problem, but choosing the best approach to reach the most willing customers was.
The Approach
When Toyota of Fort Worth approached our team wanting to promote a limited-time offer and special services, we knew a conquest eBlast campaign would be the best fit. Not only would we be able to combine punchy copy and eye-catching design, but the list of recipients included potential customers who had been recorded as actively searching for a new model in the area. After only a few days in production, the conquest eBlast was sent out in August 2022.

The Outcome
New Vehicles Sold
Total Appointments Made
Min Average Time On Site
New Vehicles Sold
Total Appointments Made
Min Average Time On Site
New Vehicles sold
total appointments made
min average time on site
For Toyota of Fort Worth, all it took was one conquest eBlast campaign to see extraordinary results. 75 new Toyota models were sold, 672 service and sales appointments were made and a three-minute average time was recorded on the website. Plus, we’ve recorded more new and used inventory sold year-to-date for this client as well. Just think of what we could do for your business with a full-scope strategy!